Saturday, December 4, 2010

Forced to shop????

On arrival to JFK, we realised our connecting flight to Miami had been cancelled.....doh!! After 24 hours travelling, it was not exactly what we wanted to hear.... and when we enquired at the counter, they said that we could probably make the flight that was just boarding RIGHT NOW! So, all those months of training paid off as we ran down the gate as if we were in the 100m sprint against Usain Bolt (of course, it was the furthest gate....) - and finally managed to get on. However the bad news was that they could not tell us when or where our luggage would be.... !!! hhhmmm, well, we just thought, just get to Miami and work it out later. Our luggage did end up arriving but a good day later. So what did that mean? We had travel insurance coverage so we were compensated for the delay.... so it did end up being a case of being forced to shop....! How tragic..... :)

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