Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bastille Farmers' Markets

We headed to Bastille markets on a crisp Sunday morning - Bastille is one of the best open air farmers markets in Paris. It's not huge but there's plenty of beautiful produce for sale - you can really tell the French are serious about food. There were lots of locals there buying ingredients which made me wish I stayed somewhere that had a kitchen. When I saw all the amazingly fresh ingredients, all I wanted to do was do some chopping and fire up the gas to cook up a storm!
As we wandered through, we nibbled on some fresh figs which were so sweet, some raspberries, as well as an apple pie for Steve and a baguette fromage (cheese) for me.. All super delicious!
Lots of interesting seafood on offer, loads of beautiful cheeses, succulent game meats, colourful fruits and vegies.
Here are some photos of these beautiful markets which you must visit if you are ever in Paris.

Me at the markets!

Loads of fresh shellfish

Unshucked local oysters

The figs and raspberries that we bought and munched on

Fresh flowers

Lots of variety of whole fish

So many types of mushrooms

Locals shopping the markets

Sea urchin, cockles and oysters

Fresh fruits

How cute! Little parisien girl having a chit-hat with a roast chicken vendor - a little gourmand already!


  1. Hi Anna (and Steve!)

    Look forward to sharing holiday stories when you both get back.

    Has Steve done any Vespa accessory shopping in Italy?


  2. Hi guys!
    Sounds like you guys had an excellent trip as well!
    No Vespa accessories to report - couldn't find anything...
