Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monet Exhibition - one of my favourite artists!

How lucky to be in Paris for one of the biggest and best Monet exhibitions ever held! It was at the beautiful Grand Palais. The reserved tickets had been booked out until December so there was no choice but to get there early and start queuing! Luckily we only had to wait about an hour - had we come about 15 minutes later, it would have been a 3 hour wait! The exhibition was very popular and was incredibly crowded - nevertheless, it was worth it. There were paintings borrowed from collections from galleries around the world, from London, Norway, Texas, New York and many more, even Melbourne! So, you can imagine what an opportunity it was to see all these pieces in one place. I was able to appreciate a lot of his work - not just the famous Waterlilies pieces. Unfortunately, there was no photography allowed so I have nothing to share. It was just a beautiful exhibition....

waiting in line - still smiles!

loads of people waiting to get in

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