Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Good friends & Glasgow!

Some of you may have raised an eyebrow or two when you saw that Glasgow had made the world adventure itinerary.... yes, it probably wouldn't have got a look in had it not been for our friends, Kim and Ian, who live there. Kim is another of my friends of high school (yes, there are many of them!) and she only recently moved there in August.
We spent a few wonderful days in Glasgow and the Scottish Highlands (see later posts) together - it was just nice to stay with friends for a change rather than in a hotel - somewhere like a home! They were the best hosts and really showed us the best of Scotland in the short few days we had.

So what was my very first thoughts of Glasgow - it was freakin' freezing!!!! Average temps were only about 5-7 degrees which is cold for someone who grew up in Sydney! Anyway, we made sure we rugged up for our adventures.
In Glasgow, one of the first things we tried was the local beer, Tennants beer at a local pub - quite a nice drop! Here's Kim and me enjoying one (well, actually I confess that my beer is actually Steve's as I was a little run down with a cold/cough so only tried a few sips but they were good!)

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