Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Our favourite Parisien restaurant experience - Ballon et Coquillages

While we were exploring the area around our hotel, we found a lovely crustacean bar - Ballon et Coquillages (translates roughly to "Balloons and Cockles"), which we knew we had to try out!
The restaurant, if you can call it that, only seats 15 people around a horseshoe shaped bar.
When we walked by earlier, we took a photo of the menu which was all in french. I studied French until Yr 10 so it was ok but when it came to specialised seafood names or crustacea for that matter, I had to resort to the internet for some translation assistance. Once we had done that, we worked out that they served some interesting things other than the usual oysters and prawns - things like whelks, cockles and teeny weeny prawns (like school prawn size but served raw). But as you know, Steve and I are up for anything foodwise so we gave it a go. It ended up being a great night as the food was delicious and we ended up having some hilarious and entertaining conversations with the other customers who were all local parisiens.
Here are the pictures of the platter we had - plate de la mer...

oysters, crab, prawns, whelks, mussels, some things that look like periwinkes....

The tiny crab - yum yum

The friendly random parisiens - they were so funny!

Check out Steve's Millefeuille dessert

After a great meal!

Front of the restaurant - cute or what?!

 In case you ever want to check it out yourself....Ballon et Coquillages Restaurant. 71, boulevard Gouvion St-Cyr, Paris

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