Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The hunt for the Loch Ness Monster!

I remember growing up hearing about all the 'sightings' of the Loch Ness monster so I was super excited when Ian said that we would be driving along this very famous Loch (or Lake for those who speak English...).  I had my monster hunting gear ready!
Our first stop was the Loch Ness Centre - I was expecting that it would be just another museum and you just walk around it looking at artefacts and photos but instead, it took you on an interactive journey - you are lead into a number of rooms with different presentations - pretty good!
So, what did I learn? The lake is a huge freshwater loch which spans over 37km. At its deepest, the Loch has a depth of about 200m.
But disappointingly, many of the 'sightings' reported were hoaxes but some of them were probably genuine although what they saw was probably optical trickery from shadows, birds or other marine life.  Oh well... maybe another day for the monster...

The Loch Ness

One of the suits that people used to explore the Loch

Inside the centre

Found the monster!!!!!

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